✅ Verifying Your LegitFit Account On Stripe

I want to get started on LegitFit and start accepting payments but I don't know how to do the verification on Stripe

How can we do the identity verification/ verify our account on Stripe?

Step 1: Going to the “Payments” tab in the settings

You’ll see the settings icon on the bottom left of the screen, click on it and then click on the “Payments” tab.


Step 2: Uploading the verification info

In the “Payments” tab, You’ll see the “Upload Verification Info” button if you scroll down a bit, click on it.

#1-Aug-09-2023-11-47-53-5550-AMAfter clicking on the button, it will redirect you to a Stripe verification page, just fill in the details and click on “Continue→”.
#2-Aug-09-2023-11-48-42-9619-AMAfter that, it will redirect you to another page, just put your industry and website in there and click on “Continue→
#3-Aug-09-2023-11-49-29-1101-AMIf you see a page like this (in the screenshot below) with an error, click on update.

Step 3: Submitting the details/info

After uploading the info, just click on “Agree & Submit” to finish the verification process.