šŸ’° Transaction costs on the platform?

Looking for the fees on transactions? The below article is for you.

At LegitFit, we believe that absolute transparency is key to any good business relationship. When it comes to transaction costs and fees... we always show exactly what's what!

Every time you create a session or a service, we display the transaction costs to you as a business.

The current transaction rate varies depending on what plan you are on and also what country you are from - generally, they're... 2.0 - 2.75% + 30c per transaction.

Below is a screenshot from creating a service on LegitFit! You can see the receivable amount in it.

You can also see the fee applied to your transactions by holding your mouse on that ā€œiā€ icon right next to the receivable price.

If you're thinking about signing up we would love to demo with you and answer any questions you may have šŸ˜€

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