🤔 Changing your email address on LegitFit

Looking to update the email address for your LegitFit account? You can change the email address through the account settings.

How to change the email address for your LegitFit account?

Step 1 Locating the settings page:

You need to sign in to your LegitFit account and then on the bottom left of the screen, navigate to this icon ⚙️ to go to the settings page for your account.

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Step 2: Locating the Accounts Section

Once you’re on the Settings page⚙️, locate the account section to change/update your email.

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Step 3: Updating your email address

Once you’ve added your new email address, make sure to save the details before leaving the screen.

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Note:- ****Always verify your new email after changing it to set as default.

➡️ Click here to update your email address